This world is harsh—and this callousness seeps into our hearts and homes. It can even color your mental image of God. Will you let God peel away the lies that hold you back from embracing Him? These video messages and devotional from Wendy Palau will remind you afresh of God’s gentleness, comfort, and rest. He longs for you to know Him!

Can I really know God?

Click a thumbnail to watch any of these 5 video messages of hope—you can know God’s gentleness, comfort, and rest today…


Five Day Devotional

Our gift to you…


Friend, my prayer is for you to hear a deep and personal invitation from Jesus—to know Him and to make Him known.

With an enemy called the father of lies, it’s no wonder that our mental image of God can drift so far from reality. I want you to be blessed by this 5-day devotional, to return to the clear and true heart of Jesus:

Not harshbut gentle.

Not cold and distantbut the Comforter who draws near to the brokenhearted.

Not an angry taskmasterbut the One who gives us true rest.

Let God reveal His heart to you. If you let Him, He’s faithful to do it! This week, let Him know you. Let Him search your heart and peel away any lies that have tainted your image of Him.

God bless you, my friend,


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 Hope with God is brought to you by the Luis Palau Association.

P.O. Box 50
Portland, OR 92707